Your November Garden Maintenance Checklist
November garden maintenance is a critical step in ensuring your garden weathers the transition from autumn to winter with grace and resilience. As the leaves fall and the temperatures drop, your garden requires special attention to prepare it for the colder months ahead. In this month's gardening guide, we'll walk you through the essential November garden tasks that will keep your outdoor oasis thriving and ready to flourish once spring arrives. From protective measures for your plants to tidying up the garden beds, we've got you covered. Let's dive into the vital steps to maintain a healthy and beautiful garden during this late autumn season."
Plant spring bulbs; daffodils, tulips, crocus, allium and more. See our blog How And When To Plan Spring Bulbs to learn more
Deer are looking for food. Use deer repellents now to train them to stay away from your plants.
This is an ideal time to plant deciduous trees and shrubs.
Spray anti-desiccant on evergreens to help keep them from drying up.
Gather up fallen leaves from around the base of rose bushes which suffered from black spot or rust this summer to reduce the chance of infection next year. See our blog What To Do With Leaves This Fall for more information.
Dig up and store dahlia tubers, begonias and gladiolus corms to store dry over the winter months. Remove the dead foliage before storing.
Cut back the yellowing foliage of herbaceous perennials and divide overcrowded clumps to maintain their vigor.
Divide mature clumps of rhubarb once they are dormant.
If you have access to fresh manure, now is the time to spread it across the surface of your vegetable beds to rot down over winter.
Build a raised bed to take the bending out of vegetable growing.
Stake top-heavy brassicas and draw up and draw up some soil around the base of the stem to prevent wind rocking the plant and causing damage to the roots.
Plant raspberry canes now for a delicious homegrown crop.
Tidy up your strawberry plants – cut off any dead leaves and remove runners.
If you haven’t already aerated your lawn, there’s still time to do it before winter sets in.
See our blog Why Core Aeration So Important For Your Lawn to learn more. Continue to clear fallen leaves off the lawn to keep it healthy.
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