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Posted 05/29/2023 in Fern

Athyrium 'Ghost'

A vigorous and easy to grow fern with gray-green foliage. Neat, formal fronds are perfect for the woodland garden as a backdrop to hostas or paired with coral bells. Thrives in moist, shady settings, though more tolerant of brief dry spells than most ferns of its type.

Post Details

Latin Name
Athyrium 'Ghost'
Common Name
Ghost Fern
Planting Zone
Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8
Bloom Season
2-2.5 ft
1.5-2 ft
Suggested Uses
Shade Garden Woodland Gardens
Potential Pests
No serious problems

Plant Story

A vigorous and easy to grow fern with gray-green foliage. Neat, formal fronds are perfect for the woodland garden as a backdrop to hostas or paired with coral bells. Thrives in moist, shady settings, though more tolerant of brief dry spells than most ferns of its type.

Special Care Instructions

Best color in light shade. Tolerates more soil dryness than other ferns.

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