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Posted 02/22/2023 in Shrub

Berberis julianae

A rounded evergreen shrub, Berberis julianae features dark green leathery leaves that develop a bronze or wine color. Small yellow flowers change to bluish black berries in the fall. Large thrones. Look for cultivars of 'Compactum', 'Nana,' or 'Spring Glory'

Post Details

Latin Name
Berberis julianae
Common Name
Wintergreen Barberry
Planting Zone
Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8
Special Interest
Deer Resistant
Bloom Season
6-8 ft
4-6 ft
Suggested Uses
Shrub Borders
Potential Pests
Bacterial leaf spot, anthracnose, root rot, wilt, aphids, barberry webworm, and scale

Plant Story

A rounded evergreen shrub, Berberis julianae features dark green leathery leaves that develop a bronze or wine color. Small yellow flowers change to bluish black berries in the fall. Large thrones. Look for cultivars of 'Compactum', 'Nana,' or 'Spring Glory'

Special Care Instructions

Intolerant of poorly drained soil. Adaptable shrub. Can  be severely pruned.

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