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Posted 05/25/2023 in Perennial

Capsicum annuum 'Purple Flash'

Grown primarily as an ornamental plant. Capsicum annuum 'Purple Flash' features smoky black purple leaves with glossy-black edible fruits making it a great addition in beds or containers in any gardens,

Post Details

Latin Name
Capsicum annuum 'Purple Flash'
Common Name
Cayenne Pepper
Planting Zone
Zone 11 Zone 12
Bloom Season
1-1.5 ft
1-1.5 ft
Suggested Uses
Potential Pests
No serious problems

Plant Story

Grown primarily as an ornamental plant. Capsicum annuum 'Purple Flash' features smoky black purple leaves with glossy-black edible fruits making it a great addition in beds or containers in any gardens,

Special Care Instructions

Cultivar is an ornamental pepper with near black/purple foliage with black fruit.

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