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Posted 05/21/2023 in Shrub

Daphne odora

The sweet smell that wafts through the air in February and March can be attributed to only a few plants, one of them being Daphne. An old garden favorite, Daphne is a plant no yard should be without.

Post Details

Latin Name
Daphne odora
Common Name
Winter Daphne
Planting Zone
Zone 7 Zone 8 Zone 9
Bloom Season
3-4 ft
2-4 ft
Suggested Uses
Potential Pests
Botrytis, leaf spots, canker, twig blight, crown rot, root rot, virus, aphids, mealybugs, and scale

Plant Story

The sweet smell that wafts through the air in February and March can be attributed to only a few plants, one of them being Daphne. An old garden favorite, Daphne is a plant no yard should be without.

Special Care Instructions

Fragrant flowers

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