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Posted 05/05/2023 in Shrub

Lagerstroemia 'Pocomoke'

A handsome, dwarf crapemyrtle. It’s not quite knee-high—a densely branched mound of deep rosy-raspberry flowers floating above forest-green leaves.

Post Details

Latin Name
Lagerstroemia 'Pocomoke'
Common Name
Crape Myrtle
Planting Zone
Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 Zone 9
Bloom Season
2-5 ft
2-5 ft
Suggested Uses
Potential Pests
Fungal leaf spots, powdery mildew, and chlorosis

Plant Story

A handsome, dwarf crapemyrtle. It’s not quite knee-high—a densely branched mound of deep rosy-raspberry flowers floating above forest-green leaves.

Special Care Instructions

Cultivar is an upright shrub that has flossy, dark green leaves that emerge maroon in the spring

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