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Posted 01/02/2023 in Perennial

Paeonia 'Julia Rose'

A magnificent favorite peony, Paeonia 'Julia Rose' features single to semi-double blossoms that start as cherry red blooms that open to reveal orange and apricot blooms with purple edges before fading to yellow. Lush, toothed green foliage is attractive to frost. Peony flowers are both rabbit and deer-resistant.

Post Details

Latin Name
Paeonia 'Julia Rose'
Common Name
Julia Rose Itoh Peony
Planting Zone
Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 Zone 9
Light Condition
Full Sun Part Shade
Bloom Season
Flower Color
2-3 feet
3-4 feet
Potential Pests
Honey fungus and peony wilt

Plant Story

A magnificent favorite peony, Paeonia 'Julia Rose' features single to semi-double blossoms that start as cherry red blooms that open to reveal orange and apricot blooms with purple edges before fading to yellow. Lush, toothed green foliage is attractive to frost. Peony flowers are both rabbit and deer-resistant.

Special Care Instructions

Remove spent flowers after blooming. Cut foliage to the ground in the fall after frost. Plants can be undisturbed for years. Add compost before planting. If plants do not follow check to see if plants are planted to deep or shallow; in to much shade; if late frost killed the flower buds; if plant was recently moved; or plant is to young to flower. Stake large flowers. Plant in early fall.

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