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Posted 03/08/2023 in Shrub

Pieris japonica ‘White Caps’

Highly resistance to frost damage, Pieris japonica ‘White Caps’,will quickly drop damaged flowers for new white bell-shaped flowers. Evergreen foliage and bead-like seed-buds create a nice contrast to the winter landscape.

Post Details

Latin Name
Pieris japonica ‘White Caps’
Common Name
Japanese pieris
Planting Zone
Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8
Special Interest
Deer Resistant
Bloom Season
4-6 ft
4-6 ft
Suggested Uses
Hedge Shrub Borders Specimen
Potential Pests
Dieback, leaf spot, lace bug infections, mites, nematodes, and scale

Plant Story

Highly resistance to frost damage, Pieris japonica ‘White Caps’,will quickly drop damaged flowers for new white bell-shaped flowers. Evergreen foliage and bead-like seed-buds create a nice contrast to the winter landscape.

Special Care Instructions

Remove spent flowers after bloom. Plant in well-drained locations.

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