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Posted 08/05/2023 in Perennial

Salvia nemerosa 'Crystal Blue'

Salvia nemerosa 'Crystal Blue' is a popular cultivar known for its vibrant blue flowers that attract pollinators like bees and butterflies. It's a reliable perennial often used in borders, cottage gardens, and mixed plantings.

Post Details

Latin Name
Salvia nemerosa 'Crystal Blue'
Common Name
Crystal Blue Salvia
Planting Zone
Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8
Light Condition
Full Sun Part Shade
Special Interest
Attracts Butterflies Deer Resistant
Bloom Season
Flower Color
Suggested Uses
Grouping Edging Rock Garden Cottage Garden Pollinator Garden Perennial Border
Potential Pests
Generally not highly susceptible to pests, but can occasionally face issues with aphids or spider mites.

Plant Story

Salvia nemerosa 'Crystal Blue' is a popular cultivar known for its vibrant blue flowers that attract pollinators like bees and butterflies. It's a reliable perennial often used in borders, cottage gardens, and mixed plantings.

Special Care Instructions

Plant in well-draining soil and water regularly until established. Deadhead spent flowers to encourage more blooms and extend the flowering season. Cut back the plant after the initial bloom to promote new growth and potentially a second round of flowering later in the season.

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