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Posted 10/31/2022 in Bulb

Scilla siberica 'Spring Beauty'

A spring-time favorite, Scilla siberica 'Spring Beauty' is a bulbous perennial that features bell-shaped blue flowers in the early to mid-spring. Flowers arise about the strap-like green foliage.

Post Details

Latin Name
Scilla siberica 'Spring Beauty'
Common Name
Siberian squill
Planting Zone
Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8
Bloom Season
.25-.5 ft
.25-.5 ft
Potential Pests
Crown rot

Plant Story

A spring-time favorite, Scilla siberica 'Spring Beauty' is a bulbous perennial that features bell-shaped blue flowers in the early to mid-spring. Flowers arise about the strap-like green foliage.

Special Care Instructions

INVASIVE. Plant in fall. Lowe maintenance but will self-seed.

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