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Posted 02/15/2023 in Shrub

Symphoricarpus x chenaultii 'Hancock'

A dwarf cultivar, Symphoricarpus x chenaultii 'Hancock' features bell-shaped pink flowers followed by showy coral-pink berries. Berries will mature in the early fall and remain on the plant until winter.

Post Details

Latin Name
Symphoricarpus x chenaultii 'Hancock'
Common Name
Planting Zone
Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7
Special Interest
Deer Resistant
Bloom Season
1.5-2 ft
6-8 ft
Suggested Uses
Hedge Shrub Borders
Potential Pests
Anthracnose, powdery mildew, scale, and aphids

Plant Story

A dwarf cultivar, Symphoricarpus x chenaultii 'Hancock' features bell-shaped pink flowers followed by showy coral-pink berries. Berries will mature in the early fall and remain on the plant until winter.

Special Care Instructions

Prune in late winter to early spring. Plants tend to sucker. Adapts to wide ranges of soil.

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