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Posted 04/11/2023 in Shrub

Yucca rostrata

Native to Texas and Mexico, this yucca forms a stout trunk to 10 feet tall. The flexible, narrow blue leaves are up to 2 feet long by 1⁄2 inch wide, and end in a terminal spine. Summer brings tall showy spikes of creamy white flowers. Plant in full sun to filtered sun and provide excellent drainage.

Post Details

Latin Name
Yucca rostrata
Common Name
Beaked Yucca
Planting Zone
Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 Zone 9 Zone 10
Special Interest
Deer Resistant
Bloom Season
6-15 ft
6-8 ft
Suggested Uses
Rock Garden
Potential Pests
No serious problems

Plant Story

Native to Texas and Mexico, this yucca forms a stout trunk to 10 feet tall. The flexible, narrow blue leaves are up to 2 feet long by 1⁄2 inch wide, and end in a terminal spine. Summer brings tall showy spikes of creamy white flowers. Plant in full sun to filtered sun and provide excellent drainage.

Special Care Instructions

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