Bring the sizzle! Summer is here and so is the heat. Finding plants that look great and tolerate high temperatures can be challenging. Luckily, there are perennials that do well in these conditions. Planting these perennials means you will be able to enjoy them year after year. Not only will they survive, they will thive!
Yarrows have so much to offer a garden. Bloom colors are available in a very wide range of colors and is a care-free perennial. Great for use in masses but it can also stand out if only using one or two plants. Yarrow is easy to divide and spread throughout the garden.
Not only does this plant fill the garden with bluish-purple flowers, it will also fill the garden with a lovely fragrance. The flowers appear above its equally attractive green-grey foliage. Excellent to bring indoors for cut flowers too.
Sedums are one of those “plant it and leave it” plants that need little care. Once established, they simply grow. There are a wide variety of shapes and forms to choose from including ‘Angelina’ which grows flat and can dangle over rocks, and ‘Autumn Joy’ with its more upright and rounded shape. They are all nearly impervious to heat and have very few disease issues.
Attracting bees, butterflies and hummingbirds is easy if you plant Bee Balm, they love it! It is also perfect for many uses including cottage gardens, pollinator gardens, specimen plantings and meadows. The bloom colors generally run from pink to purple.
Add Coreopsis and you are adding dependable color all summer in your garden. Most varieties are around 18” tall so they will stand out magnificently in any sunny border.
The queen of the garden! Phlox’ flowers in a multitude of colors and wow’s us all summer long. Some varieties stand as tall as 2’ to 4’ so it is an excellent perennial for the back of the garden.
Salvias are just tough, tough plants. They also happen to be beautiful. Their blue-purple spikes add pizazz to any garden. After flowering, cut the spikes back and they will re- bloom in about a month!
Ice Plant
If you want carpets of flowers, this is the plant for you. Pink and yellow daisy-like flowers sit on top of succulent leaves as the plants spread across the ground. This is a perfect plant for rock gardens and flower pots.
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