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Posted 05/29/2023 in Fern

Athyrium niponicum var. pictum 'Applecourt'

Japanese painted fern that not only has lovely purple, silver and green markings, but each leaf is dramatically crested both up the sides and onto the tip. An excellent deer-resistant variety.

Post Details

Latin Name
Athyrium niponicum var. pictum 'Applecourt'
Common Name
Japanese Painted Fern
Planting Zone
Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8
Bloom Season
1-1.5 ft
1-1.5 ft
Suggested Uses
Shade Garden Woodland Gardens
Potential Pests
No serious problems

Plant Story

Japanese painted fern that not only has lovely purple, silver and green markings, but each leaf is dramatically crested both up the sides and onto the tip. An excellent deer-resistant variety.

Special Care Instructions

Divide clumps in early spring. Best fonds color in light shade. Don't let soil dry out.

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