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Posted 01/03/2023 in Shrub

Pieris japonica 'Prelude'

An evergreen dwarf cultivar that blooms later than other varieties, Pieris japonica 'Prelude' features bead-like pink flowers that bloom into white pendulous flowers. New leaves emerge pink but mature to dark green.

Post Details

Latin Name
Pieris japonica 'Prelude'
Common Name
Japanese Pieris
Planting Zone
Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 Zone 9
Special Interest
Deer Resistant
Bloom Season
1.5-2 ft
2-3 ft
Potential Pests
Phytophtora and leaf spot

Plant Story

An evergreen dwarf cultivar that blooms later than other varieties, Pieris japonica 'Prelude' features bead-like pink flowers that bloom into white pendulous flowers. New leaves emerge pink but mature to dark green.

Special Care Instructions

Grows best when sheltered from the sun. Remove spent flowers after bloom.

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